
I believe in marriage. And I believe in you.

Marriage is a big deal. Some traditions call it a covenant. Preparing for your marriage is as valuable as planning your wedding. I can help.

If the financial investment is a barrier, I can work with you—let’s talk.

Wedding Officiating

couple holding a bouquet overlaid with the words wedding officiating

Plan for your marriage just like you plan for your wedding. As a licensed facilitator and officiant, I can walk you through premarital counseling and officiate your wedding. This includes access to the Prepare/Enrich inventory, all workbooks and resources, six sessions total (4 for premarital counseling and 2 to plan the wedding ceremony), an original wedding ceremony written just for you, rehearsal, ceremony, and the filing of your marriage license with the state.

Cost: $750

Premarital Counseling

Whether your wedding is next year or in the next few months, premarital counseling provides benefits to your relationship right away. As a licensed facilitator, I can take you through the Prepare/Enrich model. This includes access to the Prepare/Enrich assessment, all workbooks and resources, and four one-hour discussion sessions.

Cost: $450

Relationship Checkup

Even couples who’ve been together forever can benefit from a check-in. As a licensed facilitator, I can walk you through the specific Prepare/Enrich model for married couples. This includes access to the Prepare/Enrich assessment, all workbooks and resources, and four one-hour discussion sessions.

Cost: $450

Toast Coaching

Does the best man hate public speaking? Is the father of the bride feeling nervous? I offer coaching sessions (in person or over Zoom) to help your loved ones feel more confident toasting to your future.

Cost: $50/hour

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